Unique Steady-State Squeezing

In this example we show the unique squeezing observed in a driven Dicke model described by $N$ two-level systems coupled to a quantized harmonic oscillator [K. Gietka. et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 223604 (2023)]. First we present the full dynamics with a second order cumulant expansion. The Hamiltonian describing the system is

\[\begin{align} H = \omega a^\dagger a + \frac{\Omega}{2} \sum_j \sigma^j_z + \frac{g}{2} \sum_j (a^\dagger + a) \sigma^j_x + \eta ( a \, e^{i \omega_{d}\, t} + a^\dagger e^{-i \omega_{d} \,t}), \end{align}\]

for $N = 1$ it describes the driven quantum Rabi model. Additionally the system features a decay channel, losses of the harmonic oscillator with rate $\kappa$.

We start by loading the packages.

using QuantumCumulants
using OrdinaryDiffEq, ModelingToolkit
using Plots

We define the Hilbert space and the symbolic parameters of the system.

# Define hilbert space
hf = FockSpace(:harmonic)
ha = NLevelSpace(Symbol(:spin),2)
h = hf ⊗ ha

# Paramter
@cnumbers ω Ω ωd η κ g γ N ξ
@syms t::Real # time

On the Hilbert space we create the destroy operator $a$ of the harmonic oscillator and the (indexed) transition operator $\sigma_i^{xy}$ for the $i$-th two-level system.

@qnumbers a::Destroy(h)
σ(x,y,i) = IndexedOperator(Transition(h,:σ,x,y),i)

With the symbolic parameters, operators and indices we define the Hamiltonian and Liouvillian of the system. Note, however, that in the strong coupling regime $g \sim g_c\equiv \sqrt{\omega \Omega}$ the driving term and jump operators have to be redefined. For a strongly interacting system, the ground state is very different from the ground state of a non-interacting system. Therefore, using jump operators of a non-interacting system would lead to extraction of energy from the ground state of a strongly interacting system. The correct operators are the ones that diagonlize the Hamiltonian with adiabatiacally eliminated spins.

# Operators diagonalizing the Hamiltonian
b = a*cosh(ξ) + a'*sinh(ξ) # approximate new eigenmodes of the system

# Indices
i = Index(h,:i,N,ha)
j = Index(h,:j,N,ha)

# Hamiltonian
Hf =  ω*a'*a + η*(b'*exp(-1im*ωd*t) + b*exp(1im*ωd*t) )
Ha =  Ω*Σ(σ(2,2,i)-σ(1,1,i),i)/2
Hi =  g*Σ((σ(1,2,i)+σ(2,1,i))*(a + a'),i)/2
H = Hf + Ha + Hi

# Jump operators & and rates
J = [b, σ(1,2,i)]
rates = [κ, γ]

# symbolic and numeric parameter list
ps = [ω , Ω , ωd , g , η , κ , γ , N , ξ ]

First we derive the mean-field equations in second order for $\langle a \rangle$, $\langle a^\dagger a \rangle$ and $\langle \sigma^{22}_j \rangle$, then we complete the system to obtain a closed set of equations.

eqs = meanfield([a, a'a, σ(2,2,j)],H,J;rates=rates,order=2)

\[\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt} \langle a\rangle =& -0.5 i \left( \underset{i}{\overset{N}{\sum}} g \langle {\sigma}_{i}^{{12}}\rangle + \underset{i}{\overset{N}{\sum}} g \langle {\sigma}_{i}^{{21}}\rangle \right) -1 i \omega \langle a\rangle -1 i \eta \sinh\left( \xi \right) e^{1 i t {\omega}d} -1 i \eta e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {cosh(\xi)^{*}} -0.5 \kappa \cosh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle {cosh(\xi)^{*}} + 0.5 \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle {sinh(\xi)^{*}} \\ \frac{d}{dt} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle =& 0.5 i \left( \underset{i}{\overset{N}{\sum}} g \langle a {\sigma}_{i}^{{12}}\rangle + \underset{i}{\overset{N}{\sum}} g \langle a {\sigma}_{i}^{{21}}\rangle \right) -0.5 i \left( \underset{i}{\overset{N}{\sum}} g \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{i}^{{12}}\rangle + \underset{i}{\overset{N}{\sum}} g \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{i}^{{21}}\rangle \right) + \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {sinh(\xi)^{*}} + \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {sinh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle -1 i \eta \sinh\left( \xi \right) \langle a^\dagger\rangle e^{1 i t {\omega}d} + 1 i \eta \cosh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle e^{1 i t {\omega}d} -1 i \eta \langle a^\dagger\rangle e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {cosh(\xi)^{*}} + 1 i \eta \langle a\rangle e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {sinh(\xi)^{*}} -1.0 \kappa \cosh\left( \xi \right) {cosh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle \\ \frac{d}{dt} \langle {\sigma}_{j}^{{22}}\rangle =& -1.0 \gamma \langle {\sigma}_{j}^{{22}}\rangle -0.5 i g \left( \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{j}^{{21}}\rangle + \langle a {\sigma}_{j}^{{21}}\rangle \right) + 0.5 i g \left( \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{j}^{{12}}\rangle + \langle a {\sigma}_{j}^{{12}}\rangle \right) \end{align}\]

eqs_c = complete(eqs)

All two-level systems behave identically, due to this permutation symmetry of the system we can scale-up the equations.

eqs_sc = scale(eqs_c)
scale(eqs) # Example scaling on the first three equations

\[\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt} \langle a\rangle =& -0.5 i \left( N g \langle {\sigma}_{1}^{{21}}\rangle + N g \langle {\sigma}_{1}^{{12}}\rangle \right) -1 i \omega \langle a\rangle -1 i \eta \sinh\left( \xi \right) e^{1 i t {\omega}d} -1 i \eta e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {cosh(\xi)^{*}} -0.5 \kappa \cosh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle {cosh(\xi)^{*}} + 0.5 \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle {sinh(\xi)^{*}} \\ \frac{d}{dt} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle =& -0.5 i \left( N g \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{1}^{{21}}\rangle + N g \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{1}^{{12}}\rangle \right) + 0.5 i \left( N g \langle a {\sigma}_{1}^{{21}}\rangle + N g \langle a {\sigma}_{1}^{{12}}\rangle \right) + \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {sinh(\xi)^{*}} + \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {sinh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle -1 i \eta \sinh\left( \xi \right) \langle a^\dagger\rangle e^{1 i t {\omega}d} + 1 i \eta \cosh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle e^{1 i t {\omega}d} -1 i \eta \langle a^\dagger\rangle e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {cosh(\xi)^{*}} + 1 i \eta \langle a\rangle e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {sinh(\xi)^{*}} -1.0 \kappa \cosh\left( \xi \right) {cosh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle \\ \frac{d}{dt} \langle {\sigma}_{1}^{{22}}\rangle =& -0.5 i g \left( \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{1}^{{21}}\rangle + \langle a {\sigma}_{1}^{{21}}\rangle \right) + 0.5 i g \left( \langle a^\dagger {\sigma}_{1}^{{12}}\rangle + \langle a {\sigma}_{1}^{{12}}\rangle \right) -1.0 \gamma \langle {\sigma}_{1}^{{22}}\rangle \end{align}\]

To calculate the dynamics of the system we create a system of ordinary differential equations with its initial state and numerical parameters.

# symbolic ordinary differential equation system
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs_sc)

# initial state
u0 = zeros(ComplexF64, length(eqs_sc));

# Parameters
ω_ = 1.0
Ω_ = 2e3ω_
gc_ = sqrt(Ω_*ω_/N) # renormalization of coupling to keep the system intensive
g_ = 0.9gc_
η_ = 4ω_
κ_ = ω_
γ_ = ω_
ωd_ = sqrt(1-g_^2/gc_^2)*ω_
ξ_ = 1/4*log(1-N*g_^2/(ω_*Ω_))

We solve the dynamics for four different numbers of two-level systems $N = [1, 2, 10, 100]$.

sol_ls = []
N_ls = [1,2,10,100]
for N_ in N_ls
    p0 = [ω_, Ω_, ωd_, g_, η_, κ_, γ_, N_, ξ_]
    prob = ODEProblem(sys,u0,(0.0, 4π/ωd_), ps.=>p0)
    sol = solve(prob,Tsit5(); saveat=π/30ωd_ ,reltol=1e-10,abstol=1e-10)
# plot results
c_ls=[:black, :red, :blue, :cyan]
p1 = plot(xlabel="ω t", ylabel="Δ² O")
p2 = plot(xlabel="ω t", ylabel="⟨σz⟩")
for i=1:length(N_ls)
    sol = sol_ls[i]
    t_ = sol.t

    sqx = sol[a'*a'] + sol[a*a] + 2*sol[a'*a] .+ 1 - (sol[a'] + sol[a]).^2
    sqy = sol[a'*a'] + sol[a*a] - 2*sol[a'*a] .- 1 - (sol[a'] - sol[a]).^2
    plot!(p1,t_,real.(sqx),label="N = $(N_ls[i])",color=c_ls[i])

    s22 = sol[σ(2,2,1)]
    plot!(p2,t_,real.(2s22 .- 1),color=c_ls[i],label=nothing)
plot(p1, p2, layout=(1,2), size=(700,250),bottom_margin=5*Plots.mm, left_margin=5*Plots.mm)

Effective model

For a suffeciently low excitation we can adiabatically elminate the dynamics of the two-level system(s). This leads to an effective Hamiltonian

\[\begin{align} H_\mathrm{a} = \omega a^\dagger a - \frac{g^2}{4 \Omega}(a + a^\dagger)^2 + \eta ( a \, e^{i \omega_{d} \, t} + a^\dagger e^{-i \omega_{d} \, t}). \end{align}\]

We calculate now the dynamics for this effective model and compare it with the full system. Note that this Hamiltonian is quadratic, which means that a second order description is exact.

# effective Hamiltonian
@cnumbers gΩ # g^2/4Ω
H_a = Hf - N*gΩ*(a + a')^2 # N is added for the sake of intensitivity

eqs_a = meanfield([a, a'a, a*a],H_a,[b];rates=[κ],order=2)

\[\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt} \langle a\rangle =& -1 i \omega \langle a\rangle + 2 i N g\Omega \left( \langle a^\dagger\rangle + \langle a\rangle \right) -1 i \eta \sinh\left( \xi \right) e^{1 i t {\omega}d} -1 i \eta e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {cosh(\xi)^{*}} -0.5 \kappa \cosh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle {cosh(\xi)^{*}} + 0.5 \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle {sinh(\xi)^{*}} \\ \frac{d}{dt} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle =& \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {sinh(\xi)^{*}} + 2 i N g\Omega \langle a^\dagger a^\dagger\rangle -2 i N g\Omega \langle a a\rangle + \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {sinh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle -1 i \eta \sinh\left( \xi \right) \langle a^\dagger\rangle e^{1 i t {\omega}d} + 1 i \eta \cosh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle e^{1 i t {\omega}d} -1 i \eta \langle a^\dagger\rangle e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {cosh(\xi)^{*}} + 1 i \eta \langle a\rangle e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {sinh(\xi)^{*}} -1.0 \kappa \cosh\left( \xi \right) {cosh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a^\dagger a\rangle \\ \frac{d}{dt} \langle a a\rangle =& 2 i N g\Omega -2 i \omega \langle a a\rangle + 4 i N g\Omega \left( \langle a^\dagger a\rangle + \langle a a\rangle \right) -1.0 \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {cosh(\xi)^{*}} + \kappa \sinh\left( \xi \right) {sinh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a a\rangle -1.0 \kappa \cosh\left( \xi \right) {cosh(\xi)^{*}} \langle a a\rangle -2 i \eta \sinh\left( \xi \right) \langle a\rangle e^{1 i t {\omega}d} -2 i \eta \langle a\rangle e^{-1 i t {\omega}d} {cosh(\xi)^{*}} \end{align}\]

# symbolic ordinary differential equation system
@named sys_a = ODESystem(eqs_a)

# initial state
u0_a = zeros(ComplexF64, length(eqs_a))

# Additional parameter
gΩ_ = g_^2/(4Ω_)
N_ = 69 # the final result does not depend on N

# symbolic and numeric parameter list
ps_a = [ω , ωd , η , κ , N , g , Ω , ξ , gΩ ]
p0_a = [ω_, ωd_, η_, κ_, N_, g_, Ω_, ξ_, gΩ_]

# define and solve numeric ordinary differential equation problem
prob_a = ODEProblem(sys_a,u0_a,(0.0, 4π/ωd_), ps_a.=>p0_a)
sol_a = solve(prob_a,Tsit5(); saveat=π/30ωd_, reltol=1e-8,abstol=1e-8)
# plot results
sol = sol_ls[4]
t_ = sol.t
sqx = sol[a'*a'] + sol[a*a] + 2*sol[a'*a] .+ 1 - (sol[a'] + sol[a]).^2
sqy = sol[a'*a'] + sol[a*a] - 2*sol[a'*a] .- 1 - (sol[a'] - sol[a]).^2

t_a = sol_a.t
sqx_a = sol_a[a'*a'] + sol_a[a*a] + 2*sol_a[a'*a] .+ 1 - (sol_a[a'] + sol_a[a]).^2
sqy_a = sol_a[a'*a'] + sol_a[a*a] - 2*sol_a[a'*a] .- 1 - (sol_a[a'] - sol_a[a]).^2

p = plot(xlabel="ω t", ylabel="Δ² O")
plot!(p,t_,real.(sqx),label="X - Full model")
plot!(p,t_,-real.(sqy),label="P - Full model",ls=:dash)
plot!(p,t_a,real.(sqx_a),label="X - Effective model")
plot!(p,t_a,-real.(sqy_a),label="P - Effective model",ls=:dash)
plot(p, size=(500,200))